Hello All,
I was asked to tweak the existing query and present query looks like below.
Contract A/C | Document Number | Document date |
100105 | 5800526 | 18.01.2012 |
5897568 | 19.02.2014 | |
6589758 | 20.03.2014 | |
7586598 | 05.09.2014 | |
7326581 | 05.05.2015 | |
100106 | 5805291 | 12.06.2013 |
5987685 | 15.06.2013 | |
6987582 | 17.09.2014 | |
7054684 | 20.09.2014 | |
8975643 | 15.03.2015 | |
100107 | 5897526 | 12.28.2015 |
8978584 | 01.03.2016 |
Client would like to see what is the last document received for each account and total account count based on the 0CALYEAR.
If I input 0CALYEAR with 2012-2016.
Contract A/C | 0CALMONTH |
100105 | 05.2015 |
100106 | 06.2014 |
100107 | 03.2016 |
Total - 3 |
Please suggest me.